Changing Face Of The Consumer
in the Food & Beverage Industry

Consumers want more personalised products. They are demanding more sustainable products and visibility of the sources and impact of what they eat and drink. They are quality conscious and want to be able to make ethical choices through transparency across the whole value chain.
Across the globe, the food and beverage industry is facing fierce pressure on margins and value. Growth is spread across even more products in many fragmented markets with rising raw materials, energy and labour costs.
Increasing complexity requires an agile response to the market, a supply chain adapted to global and local demands and a higher speed of product development to market.

Constant change is impacting how food and beverage companies operate.

People also want transparency, ethical employers and brands to which they can relate and promote. Continuous improvement, agile response and digital optimisation are increasingly people driven. We see here a great opportunity to embrace the next generation of consumers in this development.

Focus Areas for the Food & Beverage Industry

As EFESO we are focused on being a partner to our clients supporting them on their progression journey. We believe that a trust relationship is the key for this and that you can only achieve this with industry expertise, “glocal” presence and a flexible support approach. We also do this by not pushing ourselves to the front, but acting more like an energiser for change.

Want to know more about our tooling?

Watch the Digital PCS video

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Your International Partner for the Food & Beverage Industry

Our leading people that partner with our clients to help them navigate business issues and achieve high value improvements.

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Read our carefully prepared brochures for the Food Industry